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Royal Rise Primary


At Royal Rise Primary School all children, including SEN and disadvantaged learn the following concepts through studying different language based topics throughout the school

At Royal Rise our high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. Our curriculum also provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness

PE is a foundation subject in the National Curriculum. Our school uses the objectives from the curriculum as the basis for the planning in weekly PE lessons, ensuring pupils have access to 2 hours of PE a week. PE is taught by individual class teachers and coaches who together take responsibility for planning, resourcing and delivering this area of the curriculum.


  • Space
  • Movement
  • Control
  • Balance
  • Co-ordination
  • Invasion
  • Defence
  • Weight


  • Multi skills
  • Dance
  • Gymnastics
  • Invasion Games
  • Athletics
  • Outside Adventures
  • Being Fit and healthy
  • Swimming

British Values

By connecting our British Values through the teaching of Physical Education, we explore issues that affect us all in our lives and this helps inform decisions that will shape our future for example, by providing opportunities to compete in sport and other activities to build character and help to embed British values such as fairness and respect.

Our PE curriculum aims to explore different sporting individuals and teams that represent people of all abilities, genders, cultures, races and ages including opportunities to interact with Paralympians and athletes.

A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. Our curriculum also provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness

PE is a foundation subject in the National Curriculum. Our school uses the objectives from the curriculum as the basis for the planning in weekly PE lessons, ensuring pupils have access to 2 hours of PE a week. PE is taught by individual class teachers and coaches who together take responsibility for planning, resourcing and delivering this area of the curriculum.


We encourage the physical development of our children in the reception class as an integral part of their work. As the reception class is part of the Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum, we relate the physical development of the children to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals, which underpin the curriculum planning for children aged three to five years of age. We encourage the children to develop confidence and control of the way they move, and the way they handle equipment. We give all children the opportunity to undertake activities that offer appropriate physical challenge, both indoors and outdoors, using a wide range of resources to support specific skills.

Key Stage 1

As the children move into Key stage 1 the learning from EYFS is connected to the development of a greater understanding of fundamental movement skills, which include balance, agility and co-ordination. This enables them to develop physical skills and an understanding of the movements of their body, particularly in the use of space, time and energy.  The effect of exercise on their body is also explored. These skills are explored through the themes of dance, games and gymnastics lessons. The children are also introduced and exposed to a range of sporting activities in which they will learn how to participate in games and they are introduced to the concept of attacking and defending as well as striking and fielding.

Key Stage 2

The learning from Key Stage 1 is connected with Key Stage 2, where the children use their previous learning with more control and understanding in dance and gymnastics. They develop increased tactical thinking in net, wall and invasion games as they apply the skills to game play. Their skills are also developed through striking and fielding games. During athletics they apply and develop a broader range of skills and use these with increasing confidence, control, and technique.

The concepts are connected with the importance of Physical Education on their health and the role exercise plays in contributing to healthy lifestyle and life choices. This is developed through lessons with a focus on fitness.

In addition, swimming and water safety is taught in Key Stage Two with the expectation that all children leave being able to confidently swim 25m.


Royal Rise Primary School PE Curriculum


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6


Dance Unit 1



Body Management Unit 1 (Net/Wall)

Dance Unit 2



Body Management Unit 2 (Net/Wall)

Gymnastics Unit 1



Cooperate and Solve Problems Unit 1 (Invasion Games)

Gymnastics Unit 2



Cooperate and Solve Problems Unit 2 (Invasion Games)

Speed Agility Travel Unit 1 (Athletics)


Manipulation and Coordination Unit 1 (Striking and fielding)

Speed Agility Travel Unit 2 (Athletics)


Manipulation and Coordination Unit 2 (Striking and fielding)

Year 1

Dance Unit 1



Send and Return Unit 1 (Net/Wall)

Dance Unit 2



Send and Return Unit 2 (Net/Wall)

Gymnastics Unit 1



Attack Defend Shoot Unit 1 (Invasion games)

Gymnastics Unit 2



Attack Defend Shoot Unit 2 (Invasion games)

Run Jump Throw Unit 1 (Athletics)


Hit Catch Run Unit 1 (Striking and fielding)

Run Jump Throw Unit 2 (Athletics)


Hit Catch Run Unit 2 (Striking and fielding)

Year 2

Dance Unit 1



Send and Return Unit 1 (Net/Wall)

Dance Unit 2



Send and Return Unit 2 (Net/Wall)

Gymnastics Unit 1



Attack Defend Shoot Unit 1 (Invasion games)

Gymnastics Unit 2



Attack Defend Shoot Unit 2 (Invasion games)

Run Jump Throw Unit 1 (Athletics)


Hit Catch Run Unit 1 (Striking and fielding)

Run Jump Throw Unit 2 (Athletics)


Hit Catch Run Unit 2 (Striking and fielding)

Year 3





Tennis (Net/Wall)

Dance Unit 1





Gymnastics Unit 1




Handball (Invasion games)

Gymnastics Unit 2




Lacrosse (Invasion games)





Cricket (Striking and fielding)

Outdoor and Adventurous activities (OAA)


Rounders (Striking and fielding)

Year 4

Dance Unit 1




Tennis (Net/Wall)

Dance Unit 2



Badminton (Net/Wall)

Gymnastics Unit 1








Hockey (Invasion games)





Cricket (Striking and fielding)

Outdoor and Adventurous activities (OAA)


Rounders (Striking and fielding)

Year 5

Dance Unit 1




Tennis (Net/Wall)

Dance Unit 2




Badminton (Net/Wall)

Gymnastics Unit 1




Handball (Invasion games)

Gymnastics Unit 2




Hockey (Invasion games)






Outdoor and Adventurous activities (OAA)


Rounders (Striking and fielding)

Year 6

Dance Unit 1




Tennis (Net/Wall)

Dance Unit 2




Badminton (Net/Wall)

Gymnastics Unit 1




Handball (Invasion games)

Gymnastics Unit 2




Hockey (Invasion games)





Rounders (Striking and fielding)

Outdoor and Adventurous activities (OAA)



Sports Premium 2023-2024