School Performance
Since joining Cygnus Academies Trust, our staff have been hard at work improving the quality of education at Royal Rise Primary School.
Progress across Key Stage 2 was in the top 10% of schools nationally in 2018 and take a look at our best ever SATs results in 2019:
These are the best results that the school has ever had which is a clear tribute to the successful work of the children at Royal Rise and the school team:
Age Expected
- Combined Reading, Writing and Maths - 25% above national averages
- Reading - 24% above national averages
- Writing - 12% above national averages
- Maths - 18% above national averages
- GPS - 22% above national averages
Greater Depth
- Combined Reading, Writing and Maths - 7% above national averages
- Reading - 24% above national averages
- Writing - 18% above national averages
- Maths - 38% above national averages
- GPS - 45% above national averages
You can view our performance table here
Please note these figures are outdated due to COVID-19 implications.