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Royal Rise Primary


If you would like to see our school, you can find more information to arrange your visit here

Royal Rise Primary School is part of Cygnus Academies Trust.

The school provides education for children between 4 and 11 years old, year groups Reception to Year 6 inclusive.

The published admission number for the school is 30.  Children are admitted to the Reception class in the school year in which they have their fifth birthday. All Reception year children are admitted in September.

Where the number of applications for admission exceeds the number of places available, all applications will be considered in accordance with our 'over-subscription criteria':

  1. LAC
  2. Sibling
  3. Health and Special Access
  4. Children of Staff
  5. Distance

Please refer to our Admissions Policy for the definition of these categories.


Proposed Admissions Policy 2025 / 2026

Click the link above to visit the Trust website for more details.

How old should your child be when they start school?

A school year runs from 1st September in one calendar year to 31st August in the next, so children who will reach compulsory school age during the school year 2023 / 2024 are those born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020.

Primary school applications procedure:

Primary school applications open on 3 November 2023 and close at midnight on the evening of 15 January 2024.

Applications needed to be submitted by 15 January 2024 for your child to be guaranteed an offer of a school place on 16 April 2024.

If you have already submitted your application and need to make any amendments, please contact kentonlineadmissions@kent.gov.uk for further information on what you need to do next.

If you missed the deadline, you can still submit an application for a school place for September 2024. Once you have submitted, you will receive an email confirming when this school place will be offered. Further information can be found on KCC's website 

Apply here 

If a parent has applied online they will receive an email after 4pm on 16 April 2024 telling them which school they have been offered.  Parents can also log in from 5pm on 16 April 2024 to view the offer online.  A letter will be sent posted out first class.

Applying for an in-year admission

If your child is already at school and you wish to apply for a school place outside the year of entry (for example, a year 1 or 2 place) please refer to Kent’s in-year admission page for information.

Registering your interest with primary schools

If your child isn’t old enough to start school yet, you may register an interest at any school you want by contacting the school office. When your child is old enough, the school will get in touch with you so that you can collect a booklet and admissions form for that year.

Registering an interest at a school does not give your child priority for a place just because their name has been down longer than any other child.

If you are unhappy with the offer

View the schools website to find out more about it.

If you are still unhappy you can put your child on the waiting list or make an appeal for any of the schools you applied for.  

If your child is due to start primary school in September 2024 you can appeal if you are refused a place at one of your preferred schools on National Offer Day (Tuesday 16 April 2024). You must submit an appeal by Tuesday 14 May 2024 to guarantee that your appeal will be considered by Thursday 16 July 2024For applications made in the normal admission round, appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals.  For late applications, appeals should be heard within 40 schools days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 schools days of the appeals being lodged.

We recommend that you still accept the place your child has been offered. This will not affect your waiting list position or your appeal. It will guarantee your child has a school place if no places become available or if your appeal is unsuccessful. 

Admissions Forms